Monday, August 29, 2016


Step by Step Production Technology of Papaya Fruit
Importance of Papaya Cultivation:
  • An important quick growing fruit of Bangladesh, India and others country.
  • Present production is 105000 tons from 7700 ha in Bangladesh
  • It is a highly problematic, complicated and interesting fruit crop from botanical, genetical, cytogenetical and horticultural points of view
  • Can be cultivated successfully in small space of homestead
Composition and uses
  • Very rich in vitamins like vitamin A, B & C and minerals like P & Ca
  • Possesses high medicinal value
  • The ripe fresh fruits are used as dessert and green fruits are used as vegetable. Jam, soft drinks, ice-cream flavoring etc can be prepared from ripe fruit
Characteristics of Shahi Pepe

Sexuality : Dioecious
Plant height: 1.6-2.0 m
Bearing habit: Start bearing from near to ground level
Fruit weight: 850-1000 g
Flesh thickness: 2 cm
Flesh color: Deep Orange
Seeds per fruit: 500-530
TSS: 12%
Number of fruits/plant: 40-60
Yield: 50 tons
Production Technology of Papaya
Soil and Climate
  • Well drained loam to sandy-loam soil rich in organic matter
  • Papaya thrives well on soil with pH ranging from 5.5 to 7.0
  • Plants are highly sensitive to flooding
  • It has been ranked as not tolerant or extremely sensitive to salt stress
  • The optimum temperature for papaya is 210 to 33C
  • Papaya is classified as a shade avoiding species
Land Preparation
  • Land should be prepared well
  • For quick drainage bed system must be followed
  • Bed should be 1.7 m wide and 20-25 cm high
  • There should be 30 cm drain in between two beds
  • The length of bed will be as per land
  • Bed should be raised before pit preparation
Raising of seedling
  • Seeds should be sown in 10 cm apart rows in seed beds at 3-4 cm distance and 1.0-1.5 cm depth
  • Seeds are also sown in perforated poly bags (15 ´ 10 cm) filled with 50% river silt and 50% cow-dung
  • 2-3 seeds are advised to sow in each poly bag
  • Seeds should be soaked in water for several hours before sowing
  • Watering should be done at 2-3 days interval after seed sowing
Number of seedling required
  • Pits are prepared at 2 m apart in the beds (2 × 2 m spacing) and three seedlings are transplanted in each pit. So, a total of 7500 seedlings are required for 2500 pits per hectare
Pit preparation
  • Pit size should be 60 ´ 60 ´ 45 cm
  • Manure and fertilizers like cow-dung 15 kg, TSP 500g, gypsum 250g, boric acid 20 g, zinc sulphate 20 g are to be applied per pit 10-15 days before transplanting
Time of seed sowing and transplanting
  • September-October and December-January are two suitable time for seed sowing
  • Seedlings become ready for transplanting at 40-50 days after sowing
  • Three seedlings are to be planted per pit at 30 cm distance in triangular form
  • In case of monoecious type one seedling is planted per pit
  • Poly bag is to be removed carefully keeping ball undisturbed
  • Seedlings are to be placed in the same depth as it was in the bed or in the poly bag
Top dressing of fertilizers
  • 450-500 g each of urea and MP are to be applied per pit
  • 50 g urea and 50 g MP are to be top dressed at one month interval starting from one month after planting
  • The doses should be doubled after flowering
  • Irrigation is essential following top dressing in dry season
  • Papaya field should always be kept weed – free
  • In the rainy season weeding should be done by ‘Hasua’ or lawn mower without loosening the soil
Irrigation and drainage
  • Frequent light irrigation is required during dry season
  • During rainy season quick drainage must be ensured
Removal of extra plants
  • After fruit set two plants from each pit are to be removed keeping the best female plant
  • 5% male should be allowed to facilitate pollination
Fruit thinning
  • Most of the papaya varieties bear 2-3 fruits per cluster
  • Extra fruits should be thinned out keeping the best one only
  • In 2nd or following years, the plant bears overcrowded fruit. The smaller fruits needs to be pruned
Diseases, insect pests and remedy
Damping off and collar rot
  • Serious disease of papaya in the seed bed and causes considerable damage to the crop during rainy season.
  • Damp growing condition favors the disease.

  • Seed treatment with Vitavax or Captan @ 2-3 g per kg of seed
  • Sterilization of nursery bed by burning saw dust or rice hull (6 cm thick)
  • Soil amendment by poultry litre @ 5 t/ha
  • Solarization of the bed prior to seed sowing
  • Drenching of Ridomoil MZ @ 2 g/L
  • Brown lesions are appeared on fruits which enlarges with the development of fruit

  • Spraying of Knowin or Topsin  @ 2 g/L 2-3 times at 10-15 days interval
Papaya mosaic virus
  • Yellow patches are appeared on leaves and fruits, bending of petiole and plant growth become stunted
  • The disease is transmitted by aphid

Ring spot virus
  • The affected plants are in growth, show yellow mottling and distortion of leaves, bending down of petiole followed by death of the plant
  • Oil soaked ring spots are found on stem and fruits. Diseased plants yield little or no crop
  • The disease is transmitted by aphids
Control measure
  • Uprooting and burning of diseased plant
  • Control of vector
Mealy bug
  • Mealy bugs suck on leaves, fruits and weaken the plants. Plant growth and yield are affected seriously
  • They also cause sooty mould secreting honey dew
  • Clean cultivation, destruction of infested leaves and fruits with insects
  • Application of Dimethoate 40EC (Perfecthion/ Taphgar) @ 2 ml/L 2-3 times at 15 days interval
  • Nematodes cause root-knot in papaya. The affected plants become weak and dwarf
  • They also facilitate entrance of soil borne pathogen
  • Infected roots, rain and irrigation water help dissemination of nematode
  • Crop rotation with mustard, ground nut, wheat or maize
  • Application of Furadan 3G @ 5g per pit
  • Soil amendment with poultry liter @ 3 t/ha or MOC @ 300 kg/ha
Nutrient deficiency problem
B deficiency
  • Papaya is highly sensitive to B
  • B deficiency creates three symptoms i) curling of leaves, ii) secretion of latex from developing fruits and iii) deformation of fruits

  • Application of boric acid @ 20 g/pit
  • Spraying of boric acid @ 2 g/L 2-3 times at 10-15 days interval when symptoms are appeared on plants or fruits
Zn deficiency
  • The plants turn mixed colour of white-green. Leaf venation show white net like appearance.
  • Spraying of ZnO to leaves @ 2g/L 2-3 times at 10-15 days interval
S deficiency
  • Leaves turn yellow, the plants become weak and show stunted growth. The symptom resembles mosaic virus disease
  • Spraying of Thiovit or Cumulas @ 2 g/L 2-3 times at 10-15 days interval
  • When the latex of the fruit becomes almost watery, the fruits is considered ready for harvest
  • Fruits for local market can be harvested when they are half ripe
  • Yellow bands are appeared on fruit surface
  • The first crop of fruits is harvested in 12-14 months after transplanting
  • Fruit should be harvested in the morning
  • Fruits can be dipped in hot water at 55C for 5 minutes

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

City Royal College - presented by Rayan Onasis

 Shishir It

Friday, January 1, 2016

earn money

We for all
“Talrbd” we for all, an outsourcing and welfare  group. We are going to start  working  from 1st February 2016.  We will work for other betterment more than ours. We will work together and find out the right online bases work or earning source from where we can earn money. Admin will help you to earn money online and bring  that money in your bank account. Formation of the Talrbd and rules regulations are mentioned bellow. Please read carefully.

               Md.Thohidul Islam Shishir
               Mehedi Hasan Anis        
               Md  Abdul Aziz
                Mahabub Rahman
                5 more member could be added here.
Group-Member :
                Shamol Rajbongshi
                Shakil Islam Rony
                Tahajul Islam Faisal
                Shohidul Islam        
                Md Sabuj
                Sabbir Ahamed       
                Shihab Sairas           
                Majba Uddin
                Salma supti

                1. Admin member will never be changed but sub-admin and member can be changed or remove permanently from the Talrbd group according to Admin decision .
                2. All decision will be taken by only admin
                3. Total Revenue will be distributed equally among admin and sub-admin after deduction of 5%  admin and 2% sub-admin share of total revenue.
                4. sub-admin and members are bound to follow the admin decision and talrbd’s rules.
                5. Revenue will be distributed at the end of every three month
                6. Every admin and sub-admin member can not stop working with talrbd without completing two years.
                7. If any member wants to be a sub-admin member, He/She must add at least 10 active member for two month.


Thaks for visiting the page and if you are interested on online earning  and want to join Talrbd please contact us